Non-Cash Transactions - Corporate Banking

Non-Cash Transactions

Our bank provides services on different non – cash transactions to resident and non – resident legal entities. The rates for the services provided to customers are approved by the Board of Directors.

Our bank provides the following services for non – cash transactions to its customers:

  • Inflows to account;
  • Bank transfers;
  • Interbank (domestic) transfers;
  • Transfers to BFB, BBVB clearing accounts;
  • Interbank (international) transfers;
  • Investigations;
  • Return or amendment of transfers.

Salary cards for legal entities

Our bank offers salary cards to the employees of legal entities:

Service fee for the order of salary cards According to the contract
Service fee for cash transactions in the Bank’s ATM with salary cards Free of charge 
Service fee for cash transactions from the Bank’s POS terminals with salary cards Free of charge 
Service fee for conversion transaction with salary cards0.5%




